AR for the Military: Changing the Face of Warfare

November 22, 2021


Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the most cutting-edge technologies available today with numerous industries exploring its potential. The military industry is no different, with the potential it has to revolutionize the sector, augmenting the way soldiers and military equipment function. But the question is, how much of an impact is AR having on the military, and how does it compare to traditional methods of warfare?

In this post, we'll discuss how the military is using AR and the benefits it provides for soldiers and the military as a whole. We will compare AR technology to traditional methods and provide factual and unbiased information with numbers, statistics, and references where possible.

AR in the Military

The first use of AR in the military was for training purposes. With an increasing number of missions being fought in urban environments, the demand for soldiers to develop tactical knowledge to operate in such environments arose. Virtual Reality (VR) and AR simulations were created to allow soldiers to train in a safe and controlled environment before they deployed into the field. This has proven to be effective in helping soldiers prepare for the battle.

AR has also been used to enhance situational awareness. For instance, soldiers may use heads-up displays that overlay real-world views with digital information, allowing them to see through walls, identify potential threats, locate allies, and access critical data.

AR has also enabled real-time, remote decision-making processes. Data gathered from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and other sensors can be transmitted via wireless networks and integrated into a dynamic, up-to-date augmented view of an operation.

AR vs. Traditional Methods

AR has numerous benefits over traditional methods of warfare. Here are a few that make a significant difference in military operations:

Better Efficiency

AR helps improve the efficiency of military operations by providing information that can be easily accessed and acted upon. By supplementing soldiers' real-world views with digital overlays, AR eliminates the need for cumbersome equipment, such as handheld GPS units, binoculars, and radios, that slows down troops and could put them at risk.

Enhanced Situational Awareness

AR enables soldiers to have access to critical data, which can improve situational awareness, thereby reducing the chances of an error in decision-making. With real-time data and location-based information overlaid on their real-world view, soldiers on the ground can improve their ability to anticipate threats and make informed decisions.

Reduced Risk

AR-based simulations offer soldiers the opportunity to train in dangerous or challenging environments without risking injury. Simulating realistic scenarios in a controlled environment helps soldiers become more familiar with their equipment and tactics before deploying on missions. Additionally, minimizing the amount of equipment required by using AR instead of traditional methods can reduce the risks of injury due to the weight soldiers must carry.

Overall, AR has the potential to revolutionize the way war is fought, and we're just scratching the surface. The technology is still emerging, and it'll be exciting to see how the military can harness its full potential.


AR in the military is just the beginning. By providing digital information overlaid on real-world views, AR technology can enhance situational awareness, reduce risk, and improve overall efficiency during military operations. As AR evolves, it will be interesting to see how this technology will continue to revolutionize the warfare industry.


  1. Liarokapis, F., Mourkoussis, N., & White, M. (2007). Augmented reality in support of military operations. Military Technical Academy Bulletin, XLI(4), 177-184.

  2. Wainwright, C. (2017). The Evolution of Augmented Reality in U.S. Military Training: Early Research and Development. Defense AR Journal, 8-26.

  3. Mawson, S. (2019). Using augmented reality to increase situational awareness and decision making in military application. Defence industry research project, 35(2), 39-49.

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